Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil High Luster
The environmentally and finisher friendly Botanical Polymerized Tung Oils were crafted using our proprietary, all botanical, citrus solvent, DiCitrusol™, with no petroleum solvents included. The same polymerization process is still utilized in this formulation.
Polymerized Tung Oil undergoes further processing whereby heat and UV additives are incorporated to encourage polymerization and allow quicker initial drying. Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil also incorporates DiCitrusol™, a citrus solvent derived from orange peels, which in turn provides extra protection against the elements and a deep, glossy sheen.
The Botanical Polymerized Tung Oils are offered in Low Lustre, Medium Lustre and High Lustre.
High Lustre contains the most amount of Tung Oil in the Original Formula line. It’s the product of choice when you want to create a high sheen and the most protection for a project. It’s also a great choice if you want to be able to create different sheens without having to buy the other lustres. The High Lustre can be diluted with Mineral Spirits to create each of the other Lustres.
High - 1 part + Dicitrusol - 1 part= Sealer
High - 2 parts + Dicitrusol - 1 part = Low
High - 3 parts + Dicitrusol - 1 part =Medium
Product Stats
Solid: Polymerized Tung Oil
Solvent: DiCitrusol™ (Citrus based solvent)
Average Finish Longevity: 5 years
Spot Repairable: Yes
Sheen: High
Coverage: (per gallon)
Coat 1= 600sqf
Coat 2= 800sqf
Coat 3= 1,000sqf
Coat 4= 1,000sqf
Dry Time: 12-24 hours per coat.
wood species
applications method
weather conditions 55-75ºF
temperature change during curing process
humidity 65% or less
The environmentally and finisher friendly Botanical Polymerized Tung Oils were crafted using our proprietary, all botanical, citrus solvent, DiCitrusol™, with no petroleum solvents included. The same polymerization process is still utilized in this formulation.
Polymerized Tung Oil undergoes further processing whereby heat and UV additives are incorporated to encourage polymerization and allow quicker initial drying. Botanical Polymerized Tung Oil also incorporates DiCitrusol™, a citrus solvent derived from orange peels, which in turn provides extra protection against the elements and a deep, glossy sheen.
The Botanical Polymerized Tung Oils are offered in Low Lustre, Medium Lustre and High Lustre.
High Lustre contains the most amount of Tung Oil in the Original Formula line. It’s the product of choice when you want to create a high sheen and the most protection for a project. It’s also a great choice if you want to be able to create different sheens without having to buy the other lustres. The High Lustre can be diluted with Mineral Spirits to create each of the other Lustres.
High - 1 part + Dicitrusol - 1 part= Sealer
High - 2 parts + Dicitrusol - 1 part = Low
High - 3 parts + Dicitrusol - 1 part =Medium
Product Stats
Solid: Polymerized Tung Oil
Solvent: DiCitrusol™ (Citrus based solvent)
Average Finish Longevity: 5 years
Spot Repairable: Yes
Sheen: High
Coverage: (per gallon)
Coat 1= 600sqf
Coat 2= 800sqf
Coat 3= 1,000sqf
Coat 4= 1,000sqf
Dry Time: 12-24 hours per coat.
wood species
applications method
weather conditions 55-75ºF
temperature change during curing process
humidity 65% or less