Straight Shooter Crab
With the crab body positioned perpendicular on the hook shank and small weighted eyes up front, this fly will stand upright in a defensive posture with claws dancing in the current when resting on the bottom. Fish this fly slow and allow it to sink. Then with small, slow strips you will mimic the movement of a crab scurrying along the bottom. It is made to be extremely durable and can withstand lots of abuse before having to retire it. This fly is a must-have to anyone sight casting to Redfish on the flats or to Sheepshead in the winter.
Color: Crustacean Tan
Hook: Ahrex SA210 - Size 4
Weedguard: No
Target species: Redfish, Sheepshead, Black Drum
Straight Shooter Crab
With the crab body positioned perpendicular on the hook shank and small weighted eyes up front, this fly will stand upright in a defensive posture with claws dancing in the current when resting on the bottom. Fish this fly slow and allow it to sink. Then with small, slow strips you will mimic the movement of a crab scurrying along the bottom. It is made to be extremely durable and can withstand lots of abuse before having to retire it. This fly is a must-have to anyone sight casting to Redfish on the flats or to Sheepshead in the winter.
Color: Crustacean Tan
Hook: Ahrex SA210 - Size 4
Weedguard: No
Target species: Redfish, Sheepshead, Black Drum